Lotus School of Yoga |

Lotus School of Yoga with accredited Sivananda trained yoga instructor Jannie Kemp provides Yoga Classes, Workshops and Retreats across Geelong & Surfcoast.
Yoga Classes
- multi level, varied hatha yoga classes.
- Monday to Friday, day & evening.
- all classes interchangeable.
- Locations in Geelong & Surfcoast
- Highton, Belmont, Newcomb, Torquay, Anglesea & Ocean Grove
- Outdoor classes, Summer & Easter holidays in Anglesea, Torquay & Geelong
- Newcomb
Retreat Weekend
- annually at the Surfcoast
- Therapeutic Yoga
- Reiki/Energy Balancing
- Bach Flower Remedies
- Hypnothreapy
- Tibetan Signing bowl treatments
Contact Jannie on (03) 5261 3592
❊ Web Links ❊
➼ Lotus School of Yoga
➼ www.lotusyogaschool.com.au
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