Lorne Mountain to Surf 2026

The Lorne Mountain to Surf is a 8-kilometre fun-run held in January at Lorne.
The much-loved Lorne Pier to Pub and Lorne Mountain to Surf events are making a much-anticipated return in 2026, promising an exhilarating experience for participants and spectators alike.
Runners will traverse a breathtaking course through Lorne's picturesque trails, scaling the region's mountain terrain before descending to the Great Ocean Road coastline for a gripping finish at the Lorne Surf Club.
Lorne Mountain to Surf, Friday, 9th January 2026
Entries open on the 1st of November
In 2026, it will celebrate its 46th anniversary.
❊ When ❊
Date: Friday 9th January 2026
❊ Where ❊
⊜ Mountjoy Parade Lorne Map✆ (03) 5289-1724
❊ Web Links ❊
→ Lorne Mountain to Surf 2026→ www.lornesurfclub.com.au
❊ Also See.. ❊
➼ Lorne Pier to Pub 2026
→ Disclaimer: Details can change at any time. Always check with the advertiser before making plans, buying tickets or proceeding .. more
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