Beer Glass Sizes - Victoria |

Something that confuses visitors to Melbourne is "how to order a beer" ...
Does one ask for a Small Glass, Glass, Schooner, Seven, Handle, Pony, Pot, Pint, Middy or Jug? Thankfully its not Queensland, where you could also throw in a Five, Seven or a Ten size glass. says every state has their own ritual of how to correctly order the right size of beer, and that it constantly changes.
Victoria Beer Glass Sizes
-:- Pony 140ml - 5 ounces
-:- Small Glass 170ml - 6 ounces
-:- Glass 200ml - 7 ounces
-:- Pot 285ml - 10 ounces
-:- Schooner 425ml - 15 ounces
-:- Pint 568ml - 20 ounces
To answer the question - Ask for a Pot, Schooner or Pint
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