The date for 2025 Federal Election is Saturday 3rd May 2025.
The prime minister Anthony Albanese visited the governor-general and announced the election would take place around Australia on Saturday 3rd May 2025.
Every Australian citizen aged 18 years or older is required to vote.
Voting is compulsory for all Australian citizens aged 18 years and over.
Get The Information You Need To Make Your Vote Count.
2025 federal election
Where can I vote? Who are my candidates? How to make your vote count
The 2025 federal election will be held on Saturday 3rd May 2025.
Polling places open at 8am and close at 6pm sharp.
Federal Election
Is voting compulsory?
Yes voting is compulsory for every Australian citizen aged 18 years or older. If you do not vote and do not have a valid and sufficient reason for failing to vote a penalty is imposed. For further information see Compulsory Voting.
What happens if I do not vote?
Initially the Australian Electoral Commission will write to all apparent non-voters requesting that they either provide a reason for their failure to vote or pay a $20 penalty. If within 21 days the apparent non-voter fails to reply cannot provide a valid and sufficient reason or declines to pay the penalty then prosecution proceedings may be instigated. If the matter is dealt with in court and the person is found guilty he or she may be fined up to $50 plus court costs.
Ordinary vote
An ordinary vote is a vote cast by an elector at a polling place or at an early voting centre within the division for which they are enrolled. This is the simplest way to vote and the method used by the majority of electors.
A list of polling places will be available during a federal election.
Absent vote
An absent vote is a vote cast by an elector out of their home division but still within their home state or territory on election day.
Early vote
Eligibility requirements
You can vote early either in person or by post if on election day you:
are outside the electorate where you are enrolled to vote are more than 8km from a polling place are travelling are unable to leave your workplace to vote are seriously ill infirm or due to give birth shortly (or caring for someone who is) are a patient in hospital and can't vote at the hospital have religious beliefs that prevent you from attending a polling place are in prison serving a sentence of less than three years or otherwise detained are a silent elector have a reasonable fear for your safety.
Interstate vote on election day
An interstate vote can be cast on election day at interstate voting centres by electors who are not in their home state or territory.
For federal elections electors who are overseas can vote in person at an overseas voting centre (most Australian embassies or missions) or by post.
Provisional vote
A provisional vote is cast in circumstances where an elector's name cannot be found on the roll or the name has already been marked off the roll. The vote cannot be counted until a careful check of enrolment records and entitlements has been made.
Electors making an absent postal early (not in own division) interstate or provisional vote must complete a declaration envelope giving their personal details. This will be checked by divisional staff before the votes are counted.
Mobile polling
AEC mobile polling teams visit many electors who are not able to get to a polling place. Mobile polling facilities are set up in some hospitals nursing homes prisons and remote areas of Australia. Mobile polling is carried out around Australia prior to election day and on election day.
How to vote if you are blind or have low vision
Voters who are blind or have low vision have the options of:
casting a vote over the telephone from any location casting a vote with assistance at any polling place or by post
The date for 2025 Federal Election is Saturday 3rd May 2025.
The prime minister Anthony Albanese visited the governor-general and announced the election would take place around Australia on Saturday 3rd May 2025.
Every Australian citizen aged 18 years or older is required to vote.
Voting is compulsory for all Australian citizens aged 18 years and over.
Get The Information You Need To Make Your Vote Count.
2025 federal election
Where can I vote? Who are my candidates? How to make your vote count
The 2025 federal election will be held on Saturday 3rd May 2025.
Polling places open at 8am and close at 6pm sharp.
Federal Election
Is voting compulsory?
Yes voting is compulsory for every Australian citizen aged 18 years or older. If you do not vote and do not have a valid and sufficient reason for failing to vote a penalty is imposed. For further information see Compulsory Voting.
What happens if I do not vote?
Initially the Australian Electoral Commission will write to all apparent non-voters requesting that they either provide a reason for their failure to vote or pay a $20 penalty. If within 21 days the apparent non-voter fails to reply cannot provide a valid and sufficient reason or declines to pay the penalty then prosecution proceedings may be instigated. If the matter is dealt with in court and the person is found guilty he or she may be fined up to $50 plus court costs.
Ordinary vote
An ordinary vote is a vote cast by an elector at a polling place or at an early voting centre within the division for which they are enrolled. This is the simplest way to vote and the method used by the majority of electors.
A list of polling places will be available during a federal election.
Absent vote
An absent vote is a vote cast by an elector out of their home division but still within their home state or territory on election day.
Early vote
Eligibility requirements
You can vote early either in person or by post if on election day you:
are outside the electorate where you are enrolled to vote are more than 8km from a polling place are travelling are unable to leave your workplace to vote are seriously ill infirm or due to give birth shortly (or caring for someone who is) are a patient in hospital and can't vote at the hospital have religious beliefs that prevent you from attending a polling place are in prison serving a sentence of less than three years or otherwise detained are a silent elector have a reasonable fear for your safety.
Interstate vote on election day
An interstate vote can be cast on election day at interstate voting centres by electors who are not in their home state or territory.
For federal elections electors who are overseas can vote in person at an overseas voting centre (most Australian embassies or missions) or by post.
Provisional vote
A provisional vote is cast in circumstances where an elector's name cannot be found on the roll or the name has already been marked off the roll. The vote cannot be counted until a careful check of enrolment records and entitlements has been made.
Electors making an absent postal early (not in own division) interstate or provisional vote must complete a declaration envelope giving their personal details. This will be checked by divisional staff before the votes are counted.
Mobile polling
AEC mobile polling teams visit many electors who are not able to get to a polling place. Mobile polling facilities are set up in some hospitals nursing homes prisons and remote areas of Australia. Mobile polling is carried out around Australia prior to election day and on election day.
How to vote if you are blind or have low vision
Voters who are blind or have low vision have the options of:
casting a vote over the telephone from any location casting a vote with assistance at any polling place or by post