Rally | Protest | March

Rally | Protest | March - Whats On - Index

Help save the.... show your (non-violent) support!

Also see Protest | Lobby Groups

Protest is an invaluable way to speak truth to power. Throughout history, protests have been the driving force behind some of the most powerful social movements, exposing injustice and abuse, demanding accountability and inspiring people to keep hoping for a better future.

Amnesty International says these rights are under attack and must be protected from those who are afraid of change and want to keep us divided.

Yes, people have a right to protest but it must be peacefully and related to Australia.

 ◉ Regional Victoria Power Alliance: Stop Labor's Towers
➲ Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
The Regional Victoria Power Alliance has launched the STOP LABOR'S TOWERS campaign. For over three years we have been voicing our opposition to the dangerous and ill-conceived high voltage transmission proj ..

Regional Victoria Power Alliance: Stop Labor's Towers